Ham Swap

📢 Ham Swap – Buy, Sell, Trade, or Gift Amateur Radio Gear! 📢

Looking to upgrade your shack? Need a part for your next radio project? Want to pass along some gear to a fellow ham? The PARC Ham Swap is the place for you!

What is the PARC Ham Swap?

We’ve created a dedicated space for our club members to buy, sell, trade, or gift amateur radio equipment exclusively within our community. This is a great way to find affordable gear, help fellow hams, and keep good equipment in use rather than sitting on a shelf!

How to Participate

Selling or Trading? Email a description of your item(s), pricing (if applicable), and your contact info to HamSwap@w0phc.org.
Looking for Gear? Reach out to see what’s available or request something specific.
Have Extra Equipment? If you have unused gear you'd like to gift to a fellow ham, let us know!

Rules & Guidelines

📌 Ham radio-related items only (radios, antennas, power supplies, accessories, etc.).
📌 Transactions are between members – PARC is not responsible for sales or trades.
📌 Be honest about condition and pricing to keep the swap fair for all.
📌 No commercial sales – this is a space for members, not businesses.

📧 To participate, email HamSwap@w0phc.org and let us know what you have or what you're looking for!

Let’s keep great radio gear in the hands of fellow hams! 73! 📻🔧

if you are already a member of Ham Swap